So.. I've found some stuff to talk about. Actually, I have found A LOT of stuff to talk about. I'm going to put it all into one post because well, I'm lazy! So, this is going to be looong and filled with pictures but trust me it will be so worth your time ;) haha probably not but I feel less guilty now that I'm actually writing about something. Plus Brody is a sicky today, he's made a home in my bed and has been watching movies all day and Mia is napping so I finally feel like I have time to sit in front of this computer!! Anyway... this is what we have been up to lately.
We went to Red Rock over the weekend and had a blast. It was such a beautiful day out and we were sick of being in the house, so my mom and us headed out to do some hiking. We couldn't do anything too incredibly strenuous with the kids and all but we had a good time. This particular trail we took was suppose to have water and a waterfall at the end but it was all dry when we got there, only a small like trickle from above. Brody really enjoyed himself though, and so did Mia, she gets quite the ride :) When we arrived at the end of the trail, we ate our packed lunch and explored a little bit then headed back down the trail. It was a really pretty day and I'm glad we decided to go!
(notice the ruggrats probably having more fun in the back of the car then the actual hike)
Monday, was Donnie's first day back at work. It was a very exciting day :) It's been almost 4 months since he worked. He has been very anxious to get back there and start to get back in the groove of things again. He is on light duty right now, so he is in the office and not out on the flight line, but he will be out there before he knows it. He still needs to take it easy, everything else will come with time. He is so glad to be back at work {the 5:30am alarm clock, not so much} but glad either way. I'm just overjoyed that he is healthy enough and feeling well enough to return back to work. 4 months ago, I never would have imagined that he would be feeling this well this fast. He is definitely an answered prayer!
Brody beat Skylanders! I'm not sure if I have talked about this before but my mom bought Brody this "Skylander" game for Christmas. We really had no idea what it was when she bought it, we just thought cool, a fun game for the Wii! Boy, were we wrong. This game has these figurines that play with you on the game, so you put the certain player on this "portal" thing and then you switch out guys as you die... anyway, these figurines are like Cabbage Patch dolls in the 80's. You can't find them ANYWHERE!! Sometimes, I find myself going to 3 or 4 stores in one day just to see if they got a shipment (I know, I know, its a problem) So anyway, we have been playing this game for months and Brody finally beat the Whole game. I only let him play for a little bit each day so when he finally beat it, he was very proud of himself! The first thing he said was "Mom, can I call Dad and tell him I beat the WHOLE thing?" Haha funny boy!
We started a few weeks ago with Valentines Day stuff. Brody needed to start early making Valentines and collecting 13 hearts for his heart collection at school. Every year for Valentines Day the kids bring 13 of the same heart (can be anything that is a heart and about the size of your hand) and hand made Valentines Cards. The hearts are a really cool idea because all the kids bring home so many different hearts from each one of their classmates. Brody and I started early making Valentines cards because he has just started to really write his name, so I wanted to give him plenty of time to complete them and not feel too much pressure to get too many done at one time. I think he did the best job and we had an awesome time doing them!
The hearts on the bottom are what he brought for the heart collection.
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I just love this picture of them.
Totally shows their personalities! |
Valentines Day morning, was of course on a school day and those days are always a little bit of a rush. This day in particular, Brody decided he waned to sleep in, (which is like a lunar eclipse in our house, rarely happens) and I had pink pancakes and these cute little mailboxes with some goodies shoved in them waiting for him and Mia. I finally was able to get him out of bed and he was pleasantly surprised by what he found! Mia was definitely more excited about the food but that's our Moosie :) I really wanted them to enjoy their morning, so I let the rush go and we just ate our pancakes, laughed a little, got dressed, took a few pictures and we were still able to make it to school on time. Yayy for us! I had the best morning with them. I love to make silly holidays fun for them. Most day are pretty boring, normally just filled with the everyday stuff. It was nice to take the time to make just a normal day special!

I took a few picture when Brody arrived at school. Mrs. Fitz made it a really fun day for all of them. She even had special buckets for their Valentines and their heart collection! Mia was enjoying herself too! All the little girls in Brody's class love when she comes in. I think maybe I should just start leaving her with them, no body would notice, right?!

Donnie and I decided to stay home for Valentines Day. I feel like the older I get the more I enjoy just being at home. We had no desire to pack into a restaurant just because that's what you're "suppose to do" for Valentines Day! For Christmas, Donnie's mom gave us a Lobster-Gram, so we decided to do that instead. {perfect day for it} A Lobster-Gram is like this website you go to and pick all this food and they send it to you and you cook it. And obviously, their specialty is Lobster, but unfortunately, I dislike Lobster. Lucky for me though, they have other stuff like crab and filet and scallops and stuff. We decided on the crab, which I LOVE!! It's actually a pretty cool deal, I got the crab and some other goodies I ordered at my door that day. I made some other things to go with dinner and desserts and wine of course, we had the best night. (I even got a massage for a gift! Which I enjoyed last night, while Donnie stayed home and did all the bedtime stuff, yayy for me! Thanks babe :) I'm so glad we decided to stay in with the kids. I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend Valentines night!
{and of course heart grilled cheese for Brody, because he probably wouldn't eat Crab if it was the last food on Earth}{ also, don't mind Donnie's lack of eyebrows, all of his hair has decided not to grow back}
Told ya this was gonna be long.... almost done!
I let the kids play with the dry ice that came in the crab box. I know what you are thinking.. No, I didn't let them play with the actual ice, I put it in a large pot with water. I thought they would think that it was as cool as I think it is and they did!! I'm not quite sure how safe it is or if it's still considered ok to do but whatever we had a blast for at least 30 minutes or so and Brody even got a science lesson out of it and Mia thought it was the coolest thing ever! And nobody died ;)

I have had "clean out the toy room" on my list of to-do's for a while now and I finally just checked it off! Yesterday, the kids and I decided it was time to tackle that thing. And when I say tackle, I mean it took us 4 hours, 4 donation boxes and 3 trash bags. It also included, lots of crying, tons of "I don't want to do this anymore" and many, "are we done yets?" But in the end it is clean and organized. The kids were actually very helpful and they did an excellent job, minus the few minor meltdown. One down, 25 on the list to go :)
Disaster. |
Last but not least....
A few days ago Brody was playing with a Dino and I could hear him talking to himself. He said to this Dino, "oh, you like to blog?" "Yeah, you blog all the time!"
Haha what the heck?! I don't even blog that much, I can barely get one post a week!
He is a funny boy, made me laugh! |