Well we've had a pretty big change in our family recently. We are now Paleo/clean eaters/healthier bodies. I don't know if I like to consider us Paleo(grain free-dairy free), we are just more like clean eaters. We eat like the dinosaurs; meats, fruits, veggies, nuts. We eat no grains, no dairy and nothing artificial. We started our new healthy lifestyle about 3 weeks ago. Brody was sick for like the 400th time in last few months and I was honestly just sick of it, it was the straw that broke the camels back. I always knew that Brody had a dairy intolerance but turned a blind eye because I never wanted to deal with cutting dairy out. And his behavior was starting to get a little out of control but I also ignored that! I have a friend that had switched her family over and I noticed such a change in their health. I was ready for that for us! The big running joke with Brody has always been, that the list of foods he likes is shorter than the list he doesn't. I mean when I say, he doesn't like much, you can literally count the only foods he would eats on two hands. He never ate meat, he didn't eat any vegetables and he would only eat about 2 kinds of fruit. On what planet is that healthy? Well, it's not. He was eating no real food. He lived on beige, processed food! And to be honest, I blame myself. I am the one that buys the food, cooks the food and gives it to him. So, I stopped cold turkey. I cleaned out our entire pantry, got rid of everything that wasn't a real food! Which pretty much left my pantry empty: if it's in a box, it's most likely not very good for you. I filled it back up with stuff they could have. I wanted to remove the temptation, I didn't want them going in there and seeing a bunch of stuff they couldn't have. I mean don't get me wrong, I love cereal and pasta and tortillas and oatmeal and girl scout cookies but it was just making us sick. We were never fueling our body, we were just filling it with crap.
Let's fast forward to present day. No one died from starvation. Brody has tried a green bean, he eats spinach in his smoothies, he has found a new love for bacon and he eats at least 10 new fruits. It is definitely still a work in progress but we are making some serious progress. He is still not willing to try other meats but that will come with time. We still enjoy many baked treats, that are classic favorites but just tweaked a little to suit us! Brody's behavior and health, just in 3 short weeks has made a complete 180. He's not so whiny and a cry baby. He's also more interested in learning and he's more alert and focused. I feel like we all feel better too. I never really realized how much food can effect you. And this isn't for everyone, if you would have asked me to do this last year, I would have laughed at you. I had to be ready to make the change but I am super glad I did!
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