Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Life is a Journey, Not a Destination.

Blogging, WOW, I never thought that I would ever enter this world... but here goes... Life has been quite a roller coaster for us lately and I guess I just want to be able to share our journey with friends and family, near and far. I want to start this blog not only to inform everyone of everything that’s going on but to also show everyone a little piece of all the joy and happiness we experience every day!

As some of you know, Donnie was just recently diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (man is that hard to write). It was quite the shock; sometimes we still can’t believe it. I know a lot of people are curious as to how everything is going and what we plan on doing next. I thought that this blog would be the best way to "fill" everyone in. We know that everyone just loves and cares about us. And we feel like everyone deserves to know exactly what’s going on. It’s hard for us to call so many people all the time about his status and to be honest most of the time we are just plain sick of talking about it. It's going to be quite the journey for us but we are ready to fight! We have received so many beautiful cards and well wishes for our family and they are so appreciated. We are blessed to have all the thoughts and prayers from everyone!

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