Sunday, August 14, 2011


So two amazing things happened to me this week..
One being that I found my wedding ring! Yes, I lost it. About 4 months ago. I don't wear it too often because I always wind up scratching Mia with it, so I always just wear my band. I only noticed that it was lost when I was packing for Reno in MAY! So who the heck knows when I really lost it. But anyways, I seriously have looked in every purse, under every bed and dresser, tore my car apart and still no ring. On Thursday, Donnie had a set study cards for work that mysteriously dissapered in our room. So we started scouring the room, and low and behold I could see a little shimmer in between the wall and my bed frame leg. I could not believe it but it was my ring! I swear I looked under my bed 10 times but it was like the perfect angle that I was looking and just the right light. None the less I found it. I had come to terms with the loss, as depressing as it was. So it was like getting my ring for the first time, I was beyond happy :) I am just so glad to have it back!
So the next amazing thing is that Donnie finally got approved for Rituxan. I could freaking jump for joy, I mean really, I honestly never thought that it would happen! After many weeks, numerous phone calls and back and fourths they finally said he is good to go. He starts Friday(19th) and insurance covers most of it, which is awesome. I don't even know what it feels like to have insurance pay for for something :) This Infusion Center also has private rooms, where they will provide him with snacks and drinks and a tv. He will be going every Friday for the next four weeks. He also has to get bloodwork every Tuesday just so they can see all his numbers before he gets treated. I'm going to try and sit with him on Fridays, because no one wants to sit all alone in a hospital room all day. My mom is going to watch the kids this Friday, but I still need to find a couple more takers ;) They said it could take anywhere from 3-8 hours (I know, great time frame) but honestly we are just glad he has a start date! I'm really hoping he doesn't have any bad side effects from this but we will have to wait and see :)

1 comment:

  1. That is AWESOME news! And I will totally watch your kids if you need me to. Maybe yours will rub off on mine and teach Hadley a thing or two:)
