Saturday, November 26, 2011

This Girl.

Mia is a handful. She is our sour then sweet. She is so naughty sometimes but it is so hard to ever be mad at her because she is just so cute. The other day while I was washing dishes, I was watching the kids play in the living room. About 30 seconds later I noticed that Mia disappeared. I called her name for her to come but she never did, so I turned off the water and went to look for her. She is normally a couple places; in the hall bathroom, Brody's room or in her room pulling all the wipes out. But this time I rounded the corner to find her sitting on the computer chair. Innocent enough, right?! Guess wrong. She was sitting on the chair with a whole mound of M&Ms between her legs, chowing down. She must have found my stash from one of my late night computer binges ;) And she was having a ball! I could not get mad at her, her face was just too precious but I did manage to get a few pictures to capture the moment. Brody decided to join in as well, I mean can you blame him, who see's a whole pile of M&Ms and doesn't help themselves?? This girl, she is just the sweetest little trouble maker. I can't imagine raising two kids and have them turning out so different. But my two are. They are as opposite as they come, but that's what makes them them! These pictures are definitely worth a thousand words.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! They are so opposite, but m&ms bring them together ;) love it!!
