Halloween crept up on me fast this year. I swear, I felt like I had weeks left to get ready for it but instead I was rushing to Target on Sunday to get candy. We had some of my family over that night to have dinner and go trick or treating. We had a really great time! I have a ton of family and we are always together, it makes the holiday more fun (well, sometimes ;) I was so glad that Donnie was able to be here this year, because I thought that he was still going to be at the hospital. It made the night so much better to have him around. Him being at the hospital so much makes me feel so grateful for the times we do have him here. It's like I appreciate it so much more than usual. Anyway, the kids loved dressing up and trick or treating. Brody was Darth Vader and Mia was Snow White. I ordered their costumes like 2 months ago. I wanted Disney-ish themed costumes, because we were suppose to wear them to Disneyland for Mickey's Halloween Party. We were suppose to go 2 weeks ago but because of everything with Donnie, we had to cancel it. But anyway, I still thought they were perfect costumes for them. Brody loved his, except for the mask and the cape oh yeah and the light-saber. This boy, he always find something wrong with everything. He loved his costume but hated everything that went with it. The novelty also wore off because he's been wearing it for 2 months! He looked adorable though and he was a good sport when it can to taking pictures. Mia was adorable and probably would have been in any costume. She's just so happy all the time that its hard to not think she is just so precious. You should have seen her trick or treating, she absolutely loved it. She was literally running from door to door. She would not let anyone hold her or sit in the wagon, she just wanted to go. It was so fun to watch her having such a great time. She did however take a turn for the worst, when in my lapse of judgement I let her have a huge tootsie pop. She got mean, Fast! And Donnie was a zombie, which worked out well for him, since hes so skinny and pale hehe. He just needed some makeup and a ripped up shirt and he could have been confused for an extra on The Walking Dead :) All in all we had a wonderful Halloween, can't believe Thanksgiving is next. Where are the days going?!
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