Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Can't catch a break.

So I know I promised something happy but too bad :) Donnie can not catch a break, I mean seriously if it isn't one thing it's another with him. I feel so bad for him because he just can't get better. He has had this sinus infection thing since June that he hasn't been able to get rid of and it just progressively keeps getting worse. He's been on numerous antibiotics, off gluten and dairy, getting vitamin c IV treatments, and allergy shots and he still can't kick it. It's getting to the point where it's unbearable. On Sunday, he laid in bed all day because he just couldn't function. He took some pain pills but they barely helped. He's been trying to go to this sinus clinic but they keep rescheduling his appointment. Apparently the doctor got injured. He had an appointment on Friday to figure it out, but they called him again yesterday and rescheduled again. So by the time he got home and told me, he said he needed to find some where else to go because he couldn't wait any longer to get relief. So I called a couple different places and was able to get him an appointment on Friday again! But by the time dinner rolled around his face started to look really swollen by his eye and cheek bone and I could just see all over his face how much pain he was in. So we decided to go to the ER.
We went to Centennial Hills because we hear the wait is shorter :) 
and it actually was in ER terms! I think we only waited about a hour in the waiting room. When we finally made it in the back the nurse kinda went over some preventative stuff so that this doesn't keep happening. But I mean seriously he has been doing everything to try and fix this but nothing has been working. Finally we saw the doctor and he asked him a few questions about the pain and where it is and what symptoms he has. Then he said he wanted to have him get a cat scan, to see if there was actually an infection and fluid in his sinuses. We waited about a hour and they came and got him to do the scan. About another hour later the nurse can back with the results. The good news; its not a sinus infection, the bad news; its a mass. I just hate that word it's so shitty, mass! At that moment I actually said to myself " another fucking mass" sorry for the language but that hit me like a ton of bricks. Just when we thought things were looking up. No more Rituxan, No more weird symptoms, Blood works looks excellent. I mean all this time we've been thinking he had this terrible sinus infection and it's a lump. The nurse tried to be all optimistic saying oh don't worry they can do a biopsy and find out that its nothing, just benign. But we both know that's slim. I actually started to cry sitting in that little curtained off room, with the people joking next to us about what they should get from the snack bar. It honestly took me a minute to grasp it, it's like someone knocks the wind out of you, like it hurts just to take a breath. It made me feel so guilty for not taking his pain more seriously because now it had just become so much more serious than we ever imagined it to be! Its funny because in hind-site I think the doctor knew it wasn't an infection because who orders a cat scan for an infection! They said it's about 3 cm. Which is pretty big to have in your sinuses. Anyway, they discharged us and told us we needed to see an ENT (ear, nose and throat dr.)as soon as possible. Well, no duhh, we've been trying to for the last month. I spent most of the morning today on the phone with various doctors, trying to make new appointment and canceling ones he already had. I was able to get an appointment with an ENT for tomorrow at 8:30am. They will need to do a biopsy and probably an MRI, but who knows when they'll actually be able to get us in to all of this. And as much as we are opposed to surgery, he will most likely have it surgically removed. He is just in too much pain to not get it removed as soon as possible. So I guess updates to follow. I have no idea what they are going to be able to do for him tomorrow but we will see!

A big thank you to my aunts and grandma for watching my kids for all this. Also Nicole, Thank you for all the help chauffeuring Brody around :)

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