Thursday, September 15, 2011


We had a much needed stay-cation a couple weeks ago at Red Rock. We weren't able to stay very long just one night because Donnie had treatment the next day but it was so nice to be able to spend one night away from home. Ha who am I kidding?! It was a nightmare! I mean don't get me wrong it was nice to spend a few hours at the pool and not have to make anyone dinner or breakfast and to be able to spend time with just us but stay-cations are not meant for one year olds :) When we first got there everything seemed to be going smoothly; we played at the pool, ordered room service but it slowly started to go downhill when I needed to put Mia to bed. I had this great idea to let Brody have a brownie sundae from room service and then we would all watch a movie and go to bed. Well, right as Mia was almost asleep, room service rang our door bell. I guess I didn't think that one through too well! Bing, Mia was up and ready to go! Brody ate his sundae and we started the movie. Mia was fine for the first 20 mins and then she just wanted to run around, which would normally be fine. Except that those little boxed bar snacks that you have to pay for, that are weight sensored. So if you pick them up for more than 45 seconds you get charged, well they were right at her grabbing level. So about every 2 minutes she would run over pick one up and one of us would have to jump up from bed and hurry over there and put it back on the tray. Finally at about 10:30 when she was pretty much punch drunk she fell asleep. Then came the next dilemma, when I first checked in they only had one bed rooms available so I had them bring up a crib so we could put Mia in it and have Brody sleep with us. Well what we didn't think about was if she wakes up and sees us all in bed without her she would have a fit so we decided to push the crib in the bathroom and shut the door so it would be dark and not noisy. We thought this was going to turn out great until 4 o'clock in the morning when Donnie got a blood nose and had to hurry to the bathroom, haha. She was up and took about 2 hours to get back to sleep! I mean honestly it wasn't that bad but it was definitely more hassle than it was worth, Mia is just not ready for stay-cations yet :) We did have some very fun moments though... The pool was amazing, we had a blast swimming around. And Donnie did see Vince Neil in the bathroom, which kept him on a high for a good three days! Nothing like making memories :) Here are a few pictures. I especially love the one with the huge sundae at 9 o'clock at night... What was I thinking?!?

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