Where the heck have I been? Well, I've been at the beach. It feels like I haven't been on here in forever, but we've been busy enjoying our free time. I'll start at last Thursday, since I never updated about Donnie, but anyway, he had his post discharge check-up. It went really well, he's doing amazing! His doctor even said, "I wish I could just bottle you up." He's just doing that well. You would never know looking at him {minus some hair} what he has went through. Every thing the doctor asked about, he isn't experiencing; mouth sores, loss of appetite, change in taste, fatigue, nothing. Donnie really isn't experiencing any of the normal stem cell transplant symptoms, which is great, we couldn't ask for anything more. He still feels like his stamina isn't 100% but who's would be after all of this? We were just happy to hear that the doctor thought he was doing as well as we felt he was doing. The doctor said since he was doing so good that she didn't have to see him back for 2 more weeks. WooHoo! We honestly thought that we would have to go to check-ups so much more. It was awesome though because we had planned to stay at least one more week in California but now we could go home early! Back to normal a few days sooner, back to our bed a few days sooner, back to our life a few days sooner. Those few days were huge for us.
We could have headed home that day but my mom had planned on bring the kids up the next day, Friday. We thought it would be fun to keep them with us for a few days at my aunt's house in Ventura. We figured it would be nice to take them to the beach and just relax for a few days before we headed back to 'normal'. We had a really great weekend. The first day we were there it was crazy windy, so we didn't do too much. We were able to head down to the park on the beach for a little when there was a break in the wind. The kids loved it. Mia was all about the swing, she must have swung on that for a hour. She just loved it and was so happy. Brody totally enjoyed exploring a new playground. He even made a couple friends :) The next day, it was much nicer weather. We took the kids to the harbor and of course found a park {I think kids have a park radar, they find those way before parents even spot them}. We walked for a little bit and found some rocks for Donnie and Brody to climb on and explore. We went back to the house and ate lunch{Don still can't eat out} and Mia napped.
It was a much need time outdoors, we have spent way too many days cooped up inside!
It was a much need time outdoors, we have spent way too many days cooped up inside!
At least he is smiling. That counts for something, right? |
We spent most of the morning yesterday packing up and then eventually hitting the road. It took us about 6 hours from Ventura to our door step, with a few stretch breaks in between. The kids were very well behaved. They are great little travelers. There was no greater feeling then to walk into our house, it was like pheeewww, Finally. Home. Now on to getting back to normal. There isn't really ever a normal but I guess I mean back to, us. I miss focusing on our family and my marriage and my kids and my passions and all the things we enjoy. We are just so anxious to get all those things going again that, for a lack of words, have been put on the back burner for the last year.
It just feels really amazing, to be home for GOOD.
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