I want you to meet Jaxon Piro. His is a 10 year old boy with a Brain Tumor. But first I want you to meet his Aunt, Beth. Beth is the mom to Maggie, Maggie is in Brody's preschool class and she is the cutest little diva I know :) When we first found out about Donnie's diagnosis, Beth had found out about her nephew almost at the same time. We bonded over Cancer. Not that it's a great thing to bond over, but when you go through Cancer you feel like no one understands. I truly felt like she understood what we were going through. It may not have been directly effecting her immediate family but it had a impact in her every day life. She was doing whatever she could to help her sister, whether that be taking care of her nieces and nephews or bringing dinner or just being her shoulder to lean on {which most of the time the hardest part}. Plus the pain of watching your nephew go through Cancer. Not only did her family have the heartache with Jaxon but they also found out a few months ago that her mother had been diagnosed with breast Cancer. I think Beth is a very strong lady and I wanted to share their story.

Now on to Jaxon. I don't personally know Jaxon or his family, but I feel like I do. I have followed his journey from the start and my heart hurts for them. I can't imagine having to go through this journey watching my son do this and not my husband. I have said it before but my husband gets all of this. My husband understands that life is really shitty sometimes and understands why he has to stay in a hospital for weeks at a time and he can handle the pain that comes with this. But to think of a sweet innocent little boy having to go through this awful process breaks my heart. I think of my own son and the pain it would cause me to have to watch him battle for his life. This little boy should be playing baseball and running around outside and wrestling with his brothers. Whenever I feel so down, I think of what this family is going through, because I honestly can't imagine. I wanted to write a little something on my blog because he needs everyones help right now. He was receiving treatment in Vegas over the last 9 months or so but he developed another tumor. So his family decided to up root their whole family and move to Texas. Where he is receiving treatment at the Burzynski Clinic. I have heard nothing but great thing about this place. His mom enrolled all of his other siblings into school there and they live in a small guest house. Can you imagine?! I certainly can't and if anyone should know what it's like to live from place to place and never be home it's me. I hope and pray nothing but the best for this family! They need lots of prayers and lots of good thoughts and
donations. His treatment at the Clinic are not covered by insurance because they are considered clinical trials. But if nothing more, please just say a little prayer for Jaxon and his family tonight. I'm sure his family would appreciate it!
Please read Jaxon's full story
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