This post is going to be incredibly longggg because I have the hardest time updating on a regular basis. My daughter does not let me sit at the computer, she just stands next to me and throws a fit because she wants to play with the keyboard.. ahhh!! And by the time everyone is asleep for the night I'm exhausted. So I am truly sorry for being such a procrastinator. I do try :)
What's today? HA I swear all of the days have been running into each other. I have no memory of what I did yesterday or the day before or today for that matter! Ok, today is Saturday and Thursday we saw the new Oncologist (Dr. Zhou). He was fine. I mean he didn't do anything wrong, I just didn't really care for him. I had a really hard time understanding him because he is Chinese, and I kept having to ask him to repeat himself. I'm sure he was getting as annoyed with me as I was about the language barrier. Wait, I forgot about the Oculoplasy doctor we saw Wednesday. Ok I'll talk about her and then I'll go back to the Oncologist. Sorry! See what I mean, we go to so many dang doctors I cant keep it straight. The Oculoplastic, Dr.Eggert, was very nice and seemed knowledgeable. We originally went to her because she deals with the orbital a little more in depth than just a regular Ophthalmologist. But there was nothing she could do for him unless he needs a biopsy and even that would be quite invasive. She said that if a biopsy was need, she the one to see! She also said she would have to remove the bone on the side of Donnie's face to be able to get to where the mass is, if a biopsy was needed. She said unless it's absolutely necessarily she doesn't recommend it because it is so deep in his eye socket permanent damage could happen during surgery. She told us that we definitely needed to see an Oncologist. So we left. One more doctor down :) Now back to the Oncologist. He told us that Donnie's type of Non-Hodgkin's (large b cell) is very aggressive and it needs treatment immediately. Dr. Zhou talked about getting Donnie started with chemo next week and possibly having him do Stem Cell Transplant later on. But for now, He scheduled him to have a bone marrow biopsy Monday (which I heard is incredibly painful, so please keep him in your prayers on Monday) and a PET Scan on Tuesday. He wants to make sure that it hasn't spread to his bone marrow and also make sure it isn't anywhere else. He gave him some more pain meds and a appetite stimulant because he just has no appetite, He only weighs like 150 lbs. so he needs to be eating, he was 188 in March :( He is just having the hardest time keeping anything down so it makes him not want to eat anything! When we got home, I wanted to call my cousin Angela, who's husband, Mel, had the same exact cancer as Donnie's 3 years ago. She gave me a ton of great information and told me to contact Mel's doctor at USC Norris Cancer Center. Angela told me that Mel did the Stem Cell transplant and he responded amazing. He has been considered in remission since February of 2009. I have really been looking into Stem Cell and that is what I want Donnie to do. So I faxed all his records to USC yesterday and all we have to do is just wait for the doctor to review them. But Angela being as helpful as ever, email the doctor for me, Dr. Anne Morbacher, she is a personal friend of theirs. And Dr. Morbacher wrote Angela back and told her that see would see Donnie. We would just need to contact one of the girls from new patient and have them set up an appointment for us! Ahh-mazing! I mean I thought that it would be weeks before we would be able to get approved and seen. I still haven't heard from the office but it is the weekend, so I'm hoping for good news on Monday! Angela is a total God sent, she really has been so great in helping me get everything I need in order for Donnie to be seen ASAP. I wish that I would have contacted her earlier but you live and you learn. We made the best decisions we knew to make and I regret none of it. We are just wanting to try something new. Another Miracle, they take our insurance! I never thought i'd hear those words :) I just want to get him somewhere where they can get him started on treatment. So we wait..
How Donnie feels? He has been pretty lousy lately. I see him about 20 minutes a day because he sleeps the rest of it. I wake him up to eat but most of the time he just throws it all up anyway. I'm not quite sure why he has been throwing up so much but hopefully we will find out soon. He also feels like his eye is starting to push out now and his eye is almost completely shut. Poor guy! He is just so sick of being sick and we miss him. I miss having him to talk to and laugh with. The kids miss playing with him and cuddling with him at night! We just want him back; his funny, tenderhearted, smiling face back!
And Lastly,
How do we help?!? That is the hardest question for me to answer. I feel like a deer in the headlights when someone asks me because honestly I have NO idea how to answer it. I always feel so bad when I can tell that someone truly wants to help us but all I say is no, we are fine! I'm not the type of person that asks for anything, I mean I don't even like to ask my family for anything. I'm just too proud I guess. But the fact of the matter is, Cancer is expensive. Donnie is out of work, our medical bills just keep piling and they are just getting started! So monetary contributions are the biggest help right now!(info in right column). I would never ask anyone for money, but I feel like that's the easiest for people and it's the best help of all for us! We are so appreciative of everything that everyone continually does for us daily, whether it's helping take Brody to school or karate class, watching Mia or just a ear to talk to. Thank you :) Please keep praying for Donnie, because I believe that prayer is powerful!
Took this picture of them cuddling last night, melted my heart!
They just love their Daddy! |