Saturday, October 22, 2011


This is a ridiculous, almost pointless post but I'm just watching Donnie sleep right now so I mine as well write something. I ride up and down the elevator like 10 times a day now. So in my many rides I have come to realize that elevators are so uncomfortable. I mean really, everyone just stands there and doesn't say anything, while staring straight ahead waiting for the door to slide open. I always want to talk but then I don't know what to talk about, so I wind up just staring at my feet. Who the heck does that? And then there are those people that get in and can't stop talking and now you're wishing your floor wasn't so high! I think maybe music would help but no music here. Wouldn't it be so much better if you could jam out to Rihanna so you wouldn't feel so weird staring at a door in complete silence. I actually had a communications professor tell us one time to walk into a elevator and not turn around and look at the door and see what happens. Ha I never was brave enough to actually do that but it's food for thought. I talk a lot and I would consider myself very friendly, but there is just something about being stuck in a small box with a bunch of random people in total silence that is just so awkward! Whatever, I'll never change, elevators are uncomfortable and when I go down it again in 3 hours I'll be wishing Umbrella, Ella, Ella was on :)

PS- Donnie is doing fine today, he slept well last night and has been in good spirits. He's been pretty tired but that's expected. Day 3 is going good, only 11 more to go :)

1 comment:

  1. Alex , This is Pete in Cedar and I just wanted you to know that my Prayers are with you and Donnie and the kids as well as your whole family. I feel your pain and it hurts me too. My son had surgery when he was 12 and I spent a month in the hospital waiting for his release and it just felt so cold at times almost like you were seperated from life itself. I loved reading your post and I am glad that it gives you a line to the outside.... you hang in there and I will keep checking to see how all is going... God Bless
