Silly Girl.
These pictures are just too funny not to post. I actually caught Mia sleeping like this a couple weeks ago but I'm just now getting around to writing about it! I went in her room to put her blanket back on her and I died laughing, when I saw her in this position. How do you even fall asleep like that?! I hurried and grabbed Donnie just so I wasn't laughing alone but Mr. Paranoid was like, OMG you have to move her, she is going to hurt her legs! Haha. I mean I guess he's right, what the heck would happen if she tried to roll over?? Then I grabbed my camera, and snapped a few, couldn't pass up the photo op at its finest! Even though I started getting worried that the flash would wake her and she'd roll over and break her ankles but whatever it was hilarious, only a child would fall asleep like this! It was very interesting trying to move her, without her knowing what was going on! Silly Moosie :)
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