Thursday, October 6, 2011

USC bound.

Thought I would write a quick little post before we head off to USC Norris Cancer Center in the morning. Donnie's PET scan went fine on Tuesday, no results but we have the images so the Dr. tomorrow should be able to tell us how they look. Donnie had a Echogram today went good, other than this really weird guy in the lobby that was talking my ear off. I was trying to be super nice to him cause we were in a cancer center, so pretty sure he was fighting his own battle. But when he busted out his iPod to have me listen to a few songs he wrote, I was very happy to be saved by the bell ie; the nurse calling Donnie back! Ok that's mean I'll stop, I think he just wanted someone to listen to his struggles and if all it took was 10 minutes of my time, it was worth it! Anyyyway... We leave in the morning to go to USC, our appointment is at 1pm. My mom will have the kids all day (thank God for her) and then we'll be back before bed :) Wish us luck and good news... and lots of prayers!


  1. I Follow you due to another blog I also follow. Prayers be with you all today during this scary and crazy time. Know that people all around are praying for good things for your family. Blessings!

  2. I saw a link to your blog on Facebook. Just wanted you to know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers today! Good luck!

  3. I linked from 1825 on facebook, and my heart goes out to you all. My husband has been battling stage 4 Kidney cancer for the past 4 years, and we are a young family like you. I understand a bit of the fear you are facing and hope you can feel prayers from some strangers. We hate cancer and wish you well in your battle!
